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Community Service

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus

At St. Agnes, we believe in the power of service to transform lives and communities. Each year, our students, parents, and staff enthusiastically support initiatives such as the “Miracle On Harbor Drive” Thanksgiving Food Drive, benefiting migrant workers in our local community. Through the Centro Mater Christmas Toy Drive, we bring joy by providing gifts to local children during the holiday season.

Our commitment extends beyond our borders through projects like Corazones de Servicio, where we collaborate with communities in the Dominican Republic to improve living conditions and foster sustainable development. Closer to home, we support our local American Legion Post throughout the year and honor our local veterans with a special Veterans Day Mass. Social justice and advocacy are integral to our mission. We support those participating in the March for Life and local Life Chains by creating our very own marches and chains, standing in solidarity to advocate for the dignity and sanctity of all human life, especially the unborn. Our annual Christmas Caroling for seniors brings warmth and holiday cheer to elderly residents in our community, reminding them that they are cherished members of our extended family.

At St. Agnes Catholic Academy, our commitment to community engagement and service is not just a reflection of our values—it is a way of life. We invite you to join us in making a difference, as we strive to embody the spirit of JOY by putting Jesus first, others second, and ourselves last in all that we do. Together, we can continue to spread compassion, kindness, and hope in our world. 

Throughout the year, there are many other service project opportunities:

  • Respect Life Baby Bottle Drive
  • Thanksgiving Food Drive
  • Centro Mater Christmas Toy Drive
  • Grade-Specific Projects for “Service Week”