St. Agnes incorporates stewardship as a way of life.
A Christian steward is one who receives God’s gifts gratefully, cultivates them responsibly, and returns them with increase to the Lord by sharing them lovingly with others. In thanksgiving for the many gifts we have received, we are called to offer our Time, Talent and Treasure.
We can practice this in our daily lives by living a life of J.O.Y
Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last
Get Closer To God
Stewardship begins with prayer. This special time with God spiritually prepares us to use our gifts in service to God and others.
Below are ways you can enhance your time:
- Identify and reflect on my blessings.
- Participate in Mass every Sunday & Holy Day of obligation.
- Participate in weekday Mass at least once a month.
- Pray together with my family.
- Begin and end the day with prayer of praise / thanks.
- Spend 1 hour a week at the adoration chapel.
- Read the Scriptures each week.
- Pray the Rosary.
- Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
- Say grace before every meal.
- Schedule time for a retreat or faith formation class.
- Spend quality time with family or those close to me.
- Make time for relaxation, recreation or exercise.
- Manage my time wisely and fairly at my workplace, school or in retirement.
To Share In Service
God gave each of us unique talents so that He can work through us to serve others. Get involved in our parish and our Academy or in other organizations. Below are examples of how you can share your talents.
Academy Talent
Sharing Opportunities
- Attend and participate in the many Academy/Home & School events & activities
- Volunteer your talents to help Academy/Home & School organize and run events and activities
- Volunteer as an Academy room parent
- Volunteer to help in Academy service projects and activities
- Volunteer to help in Academy Faith Formation projects and activities
Parish Talent
Sharing Opportunities
- Participate in our Parish Ministries
- Help with parish office work
- Volunteer at our religious shop
- Help with parish events
- Visit the elderly at a nursing home
- Volunteer at a pregnancy center
- Feed the hungry
- Clothe the needy
- Give blood
- Foster a child
- Visit prisoners
- Volunteer at a homeless shelter
To Give Generously
In thanksgiving for our blessings, we are asked to offer back to God not only our time and talents, but also our treasure.
Each household is invited to give a faithful and generous share of the gifts God has entrusted to you.
Biblical Tithe Guide:
- 5% to Parish
- 1% to Diocese
- 4% to Charity (Catholic &/or Community)
Our Academy and our Parish count on your ongoing support to continue our St. Agnes community mission.